All members should always demonstrate good sportsmanship, courtesy, consideration and respect towards others. Any concerns regarding violations of this code of conduct should be reported to the SCO president.
Dress Code
All skaters must wear a CSA approved helmet and mittens, regardless of their age until they have passed CanSkate Stage 5. Skaters will be asked leave the ice if they are not wearing the appropriate helmet or mittens. PreCanSkate skaters are encouraged to wear light splash / snow pants, light, moveable jacket ad layers. Helmet facemarks are not required but are recommended up until CanSkate Stage 2
Safety On The Ice
- No food, gum or candy is permitted on the ice
- Skaters must wait until a coach or Program Assistant let skaters onto the ice
- Skaters under the age of 12 must have a guardian present at the arena at all times during their session
Spectators, including parents, family members and guests are invited to watch their skater from the stands in the arena or the lobby. We encourage parents to not stand rink-side or at the boards. Parents, family members and guests are not permitted in the players boxes or on the opposite side of the rink.
Respect For Members / Skaters & Coaches
- Our coaches follow the curriculum laid out by Skate Canada. If a parent is concerned about the progress of a skaters, parents may discuss the situation with one of our coaches or CanSkate Program Coordinator
- Members, skaters and coaches must be respectful at all times
- Swearing / the use of abusive language will not be tolerated
- We willl not tolerate bullying, harassment, discrimination, verbal or physical abuse or intimidation in any form between anyone
Violations to our Code of Conduct will not be tolerated
- Members (parents) will be contacted if skaters do not comply with the code of conduct
- Members (parents) who do not comply with the code of conduct will be contacted directly
- In severe and/or repeat cases a suspension of membership, short, long-term, or permanent is possible
- The Code of Conduct/Ice Courtesy policy applies to everyone