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The Intermediate Star program prerequisites. Skater must have passed:

 STAR 1 FreeSkate / STAR 2 Dance (a&b) / STAR 2 Skills

-2-day minimum membership is required 

-Skaters must retain a private coach at this level

Click here to learn more about HIRING A COACH

At the Intermediate level, skaters will continue to work through the Starskate program level assessments and tests. Skaters may be "team coached" with our club coaches but will still choose a primary base coach for the season. All coaching fees are billed directly by coaches at the end of the month. 


Semi-Private - A coach may work with 2 skaters at the same time

Group Lesson - A coach may work with 3-4 skaters at the same time

Private Lesson - 1:1 lesson with a coach



Each session includes a 10-minute stroking


Click here to view the full STAR 1-Gold chart

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