There are 23 assessments in the Star 1-5 program that offers skaters the opportunity to develop basic skating skills in three different disciplines:
Skaters will be assessed by the coach who teaches them in the discipline as they master each level. Coaches are only able to assess the skaters they teach.This enables maximum opportunity for skill progression and development in a convenient, timely and low cost manner.
Skaters will usually be assessed on their regular session, however, some of the higher-level assessments may require a solo performance on clear ice.
Coaches will notify the skaters prior to the assessment date and payment must be received by the club prior skaters assessment date.
Costs for Assessments:
Skate Canada fee of $12 per assessment is required and it must be paid to the coach prior to the assessment.
Assessment Attire:
Skaters are to wear their competition dress/attire on assessment day, unless directed otherwise by their coach.